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The model

1. The beginning are providing a tool for TTPs to post observations and concerns via an webinterface. The posting are further reffered as an ticket, where the initial one is called an 33ticket to indicate the orininate from an TPP live observation. This 33ticket are preferably shared with the communities of the TPP choosing in order to be enriched by perspectives or an urge to gather more documened observation from the community. The outcome from the community collaboration is called the community ticket and the origin will always be the collaborative community representing the observation on behalf of the participating stakelolders.

2. The posting and waiting

When a 33ticket or a community ticket is finalised, the originating party may initiate the posting to the ASPSP for a bilateral 72 hours response to the observed obstacle.

3. The response

A response may be processed by the orginating party for either to be;

  1. Open - Meaning the observation is still considered active and not mitigated. The "State" and "Basic Metadata" may be publicly available through the governance of the originating party.

  2. Closed - Meaning the observation is considered mitigated. The "State" and "Basic Metadata" may be publicly available through the governance of the originating party.

  3. Withdrawn.

The originator may reference the relation between the originating ticket/s but a reposting would follow the standard procedure with the 72 hour response processing. 

A posted ticket without a response within the timed window is considered closed and object for use in reporting, research, or other purposes orchested by the individual community or the TPP itself.   

4. Use of data

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